Friday, December 20, 2019

Week 1 Sociology Notes - 1548 Words

Week One Assignment Chapter One The Sociological Perspective The sociological perspective provides a specific view of the world. Briefly describe this perspective and the assumptions this perspective is based on. The sociological perspective puts emphasis on the social context in which people live in and how these contexts influence their lives. At the center of this perspective is the question of how groups influence people, especially how people are influence by their society. Sociologists will look at how income, jobs, education, gender. age. and race affect people’s ideas and behavior. Summarize the main points of Karl Marx’s theory of class conflict. Karl Marx’s class conflict theory states that the bourgeoisie (or the†¦show more content†¦At this point children understand numbers, causation, and speed. They are able to play other roles and to play with others on teams. Lastly, there is the formal operational stage (after the age of about 12). At this point they can come to conclusions, and use rules to solve problems. This is where children can become young philosophers. Explain how society channels our behavior through gender socialization. Gender socialization has a lot to do with how we act and grow. As children, we learn what is expected of us within our gender roles, and from there we are nudged into different lanes of life. As we grow older, most of us act, think, and sometimes even feel depending on these gender maps that society has built for us. Our parents are the first role models for gender differences that we see. They teach us so much about our gender orientations without even realizing it. For example, a study done on the way mothers encourage differences in gender orientation, showed that mothers subconsciously reward daughter for being passive and dependent, while they reward sons for being active and independent. Peers reinforce many of the ideas about gender orientation that is exposed to us through our family and society. The peer group, individuals of roughly the same age who are linked by common interests, play the most powerful role in a persons gender socialization. As you grow up, naturally a peer group of girls focuses on looks andShow MoreRelatedPhenomenology Is The Study Of Phenomena Essay1037 Words   |  5 Pagesbeings and phenomenology argues that the only way we can confirm the existence of a phenomenon is through the way we consciously perceive our surroundings (Heidegger, as cited by Aspers 2009). Sociological methodology implies that the notion of sociology is indeed a science. Empirical phenomenology and ethnomethodology aim to describe, â€Å"how people perceive and think about things, although this is central to the phenomenological approach† (Aspers 2009, p. 6). 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